Early Childhood Mental Health Project
![Early Childhood Mental Health Logo](pictures/Support-Services/ECMH-Logo.png)
The Early Childhood Mental Health Project (Project) focuses on infants and young children zero to age five and brings social-emotional and mental health support to young children enrolled in child care/preschool programs in Butte County. The Project is designed to establish a trusting, collaborative and supportive team approach with child care providers and families. Our specialists have skills focused on early childhood development, social-emotional and mental health and strength-based strategies to support early learning and care providers, children and families.
We are here to help with:
- Support for Developmental Screenings, Assessment and Observation
- Classroom based Intensive and Targeted Services for Children and Families
- Social and Emotional Educational Training and Resources for Providers
- Family and Community Service Support (ie. Parent Cafes, Case Management, Family Support and Help Me Grow)